Sunday, March 7, 2010

Learning to Speak French

I've always loved the french language and the beauty of their culture. I decided to enroll in a french course. For me, learning to speak french is easier said than done. I like to think it is because I am a visual learner....but really, who knows? I've heard that the best way to learn french is to be immersed in it, to have to speak out of necessity. Well, that option is not exactly available to me at the moment. So, I am going to try to supplement my education by watching french films. I am hoping that listening to the language while watching the actors will really help me to familiarize myself with the language. I am going to start with subtitles and work my way toward being able to watch without...wish me luck!!
Oh...if anyone has recommendations...please let me know! I am thinking that 60's Godard is a good place to's so stylish!

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